Annual Registration is OPEN
Homeschool Fine Art Lessons
Have your student join Fine Artist Tricia Shaw in Kaysville for weekly lessons encompassing the fundamentals of fine art. Classes start in September and go till May. These lessons do not follow a guided tutorial project based format. Instead students learn the skills and concepts that they must master in order to make their own original art without a tutorial. Classes begin with an instructional lesson followed by studio art making where students will put concepts into practice. When time and subject matter allow, we will discuss art history in relationship to the topic of the class. Tricia teaches in home lessons during the school day to homeschool and charter students who want to learn how to think, see, and make art like a classical artist. She also offers paint night tutorials.
About The Instructor
My name is Tricia Shaw
From fall 2012 to Spring 2015 I studied Fine Art with an emphasis in Painting and Drawing at the University of Utah. It was my privilage to study art under notable utah artists like John Erickson, John O'Connell and Maurine O'Hara Ure. After taking a step back from my art to get married and start a family, I am excited to be re entering the world of fine art while sharing these skills and passion for art with the upcoming generation.